About Me

I'm Laura, a 22 year old graduate of Bangor University (Wales) with a degree in Creative Studies. I spent three wonderful years learning all I possibly could about writing and publishing, with the occasional splash of film and media studies thrown in. 

I've spent most of my life with my head in a book; I will read anything I can get my hands on. I started this blog at the suggestion of my friend Cait ( you can find her blog here), after realising how little I had read during my three years at university.

I don't really have a favourite genre, although I do love a good romance. I try to finish every book I start. Sometimes I fail, and I usually go through a mourning period and feel ridiculously guilty because of it. I also have a tendency to fall in love with fictional characters and spend days/weeks after finishing a book dreaming about them. If I could choose one, it would have to be Dorrien from Trudi Canavan's Black Magician trilogy. If you haven't read this trilogy, I highly recommend it to you.